Bishop  Frank Jefferson  Anderson JR Image Bishop - Frank Jefferson Anderson JR


Arkansas Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ. Bishop Frank J. Anderson, Jr., Jurisdictional Prelate Mother Jeanette Watkins, Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women.
Based in Central Arkansas
Bishop's Bio
Bishop Frank J. Anderson, Jr., is the Pastor of the Zion Temple Church of God In Christ in Conway, AR. He was born the youngest of five children in Morriton, Arkansas, on May 21, 1944, to the blessed union of the late Frank J. Anderson, Sr. and Jessie Brook Anderson. At the age of 16, he met a young girl by the name of Joyce Jackson and because of the teaching she had, she told him that if he wanted her, he had to be saved. On April 22, 1962, the Lord came into his life and a few days later, the fire fell from heaven and he was filled with the Holy Ghost.
Pastor Anderson was called by God to the ministry at the age of 18 and six months later, he was licensed to preach the gospel. He was appointed assistant pastor and had a radio broadcast at the age of 19.
He has served the Arkansas Second Jurisdiction in the following capacities: District Evangelist President (1966); District YPWW President in 1968; Ordained an Elder in 1969 under the leadership of Bishop R. B. Hatley; Interim District Superintendent of District #5 (1969-1970);
Interim Pastor of the Sinai Church Of God In Christ (1969-1970); Pastor of the Zion Temple Church Of God In Christ (1969-Present); Jurisdictional Evangelist President (1972-1994); National Evangelist (1972-1996); Administrative Assistant (1980-present); and the First Administrative Assistant to Bishop D. L. Lindsey (1997-present) As an evangelist, Bishop Anderson was called by God “to annoint a pool of water for the deliverance to the unsaved, brokenhearted, and the sick.” He is known as the reacher with the pool.” He continues to hold up the blood stained banner, the cradle of love, and he has faith to believe that men, women, boys and girls will be saved. He continues to want Jesus our Lord and Savior to say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
Bishop Anderson was the founding pastor of the Powerhouse Church of God In Christ (Morrilton, AR) and he rebuilt the Zion Temple Church (Conway, AR) in 1980. He has shared with the church the vision to build another edifice for the congregation and a Family Life Center. He has served as the first African-American Chaplain of the Morrilton Jaycees and is a recepient of an outstanding citizen award from the Office of the Governor. Bishop Anderson was educated at the Sarah E. Clark Elementary School and the L. W. Sullivan High School in Morrilton. He attended Arkansas Baptist College in Little Rock, Arkansas where he studied religion and sociology. He started the Anderson Construction Company and is an avid Real Estate investor. Pastor Anderson with joy has been married to his high school sweetheart, Joyce Jackson Anderson for 46 years. God has blessed them with one son Jeff, who has added his lovely wife Zandy to their family. The Andersons have four grandchildren, Jeffery, Jr., Katlynn Grace, Jackson Cole and Channing Bryce.

Mother Joyce Anderson  Image Mother - Joyce Anderson
President of the Jurisdictional Minister's Wives

Assistant Pastor Elder Jeff Anderson Sr. Image Assistant Pastor - Elder Jeff Anderson Sr.

 President of  Elder's Board  Milton King Image President of Elder's Board - Milton King

Chief Adjutant & BrotherHood President of AR 2nd Robert Jones Image Chief Adjutant & BrotherHood President of AR 2nd - Robert Jones

2nd Jurisdiction of AR, Sunday School President  Elder Joe Gray Image 2nd Jurisdiction of AR, Sunday School President - Elder Joe Gray

Ordained Elder Malcolm Donohoo Image Ordained Elder - Malcolm Donohoo

Ordained Elder Anthony Oliver Image Ordained Elder - Anthony Oliver

Ordained Elder  Elvin Credit Image Ordained Elder - Elvin Credit

Ordained Elder- Dr. Jeffery Anderson  Image Ordained Elder- Dr. Jeffery Anderson -

Ordained Elder Russell L Counts Sr. Image Ordained Elder - Russell L Counts Sr.

Ordained  Elder Bobby Gilmore Image Ordained Elder - Bobby Gilmore

Deacon Chairman Eddie Sanders Image Deacon Chairman - Eddie Sanders

President of Missionary Board  Delbra King  Image President of Missionary Board - Delbra King

Evangelist Missionary Janie Strickland Image Evangelist Missionary - Janie Strickland

Evangelist Missionary Bertha Oliver Image Evangelist Missionary - Bertha Oliver

Aspiring Missionary, Youth Director Katlynn Anderson Image Aspiring Missionary, Youth Director - Katlynn Anderson

Evangelist-Missionary Elena Cobb Image Evangelist-Missionary - Elena Cobb

Evangelist-Missionary  Lillie Credit Image Evangelist-Missionary - Lillie Credit

Evangelist- Missionary  Dorothy Carter Image Evangelist- Missionary - Dorothy Carter

Evangelist- Missionary  Rosie Grady Image Evangelist- Missionary - Rosie Grady

Evangelist Missionary  Vanessa Burton Image Evangelist Missionary - Vanessa Burton

Evangelist Missionary  Audrey Barnes Image Evangelist Missionary - Audrey Barnes

Evangelist Missionary  Melissa Mckinley Image Evangelist Missionary - Melissa Mckinley

Evangelist Missionary Sheila Gilmore Image Evangelist Missionary - Sheila Gilmore